Marion County
Public Libraries
Beene Pearson Public Library: South Pittsburg
Orena Humphreys Public Library: Whitwell

In order to conduct business from the previously scheduled meeting
on January 16, 2024, that was canceled due to weather conditions,
the Marion County Library Board
will hold a Special Called Meeting on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
at the Orena Humphreys Public Library in Whitwell.
Everyone is welcome to attend.

The Marion County Library Board
will hold its regularly scheduled meeting
on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
at the Carolyn Stewart Public Library in Jasper.
Everyone is welcome to attend.

There will be a Special-Called meeting of the Marion County Library Board, Tuesday, September 12, 2023, 4:30 at the Carolyn Stewart Public Library in Jasper. The agenda consists of approving the 2023-2024 fiscal budget and approval of a new trustee to serve on the board.
The Marion County Library Board has the following meetings during the month of September. All the meetings will be held in Jasper at the Carolyn Stewart Public Library and have been called by the library board and/or committee chairs.
The Budget & Finance Committee will have a special-called meeting on Monday, September 11, 2023. The purpose of the committee meeting is to review and approval the 2023-2024 budget to the library board. The time has not yet been determined.
Special-called Marion County Library Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at 4:30. The purpose of the meeting is review and approve the recommendations of the Budget & Finance Committee relative to the 2023-2024 budget and to full a trustee vacancy on the library board.
The Policy & Bylaws Committee will have a special-called meeting on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. The purpose of the committee meeting is to review and recommend proposed amendments to the policy manual. The time has not yet been determined.
The regularly-scheduled monthly meeting of the Marion County Library Board will be held on Monday, September 25, 2023 at 4:30.
The Marion County Chamber of Commerce - Spencer Wayne Small Business Grant awarded the Marion County Public Libraries with $900 for their 2023 Summer Reading Program. Beene Pearson PUblic Library in South Pittsburg, Carolyn Stewart Public Library in Jasper, and Orena Humphreys Public Library in Whitwell will each receive $300.00. Chamber President Travis Hickman is awarding the funds to the Marion County Public Libraries Executive Director Ann Gray.
Additionally, the libraries raised over $10,000 collectively from our communities to help each Library Director and staff motivate our children to read over the summer. Woo Hoo! We all want to extend our sincere appreciation for the support from each individual, business and corporation that sponsored our programs. This was a record setting amount - never has the sponsorship been this strong. Speaking on behalf of us all, as new Library Directors, we hope you see our shared vision and commitment to deliver quality and fun programs to our patrons throughout Marion County. T Kellye Hogan, BPPL Library Director, Ann Gray, MCPL Executive Director and CSPL Library Director, and Cathy Black, OHPL Library Director wish to thank Jasper, South Pittsburg, and Whitwell residents, business leaders as well as each respective city for the steadfast support. Onward and upward!
Public Notice
Due to the lack of a quorum at the regularly-scheduled meeting in July, The Marion County Library Board will hold a special-called meeting on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, 4:30 p.m. at Orena Humphreys Public Library, 1130 Main Street, Whitwell, TN 37397.
The purpose of the meeting is to consider the Library Board’s July Agenda as well as review the revised Executive Director Job Description.
To help our patrons, curbside services are still available for the following if needed:
Book/Video/Audio Checkout
Interlibrary Loans
New Patron Cards
Photocopy and Fax Service
24 Hour WiFi Available
Please call your local library to reserve items if you are not able to come in personally.
The Marion County Library Board meets bimonthly
on the third Tuesday at 1:00 PM.
(January, March, May, July, September, and November)
Locations rotate among the 3 libraries.
Contact your community library for each meeting location.
The Next Board Meeting will be July 18, 2023 at 4:00pm at the
Orena Humphreys Public Library
Whitwell, TN
The Marion County Library Board Committees meet bimonthly
on the third Friday (time to be announced)
at the Carolyn Stewart Public Library in Jasper.
(February, April, June, August, October, and December)
Our mission is to give access to ideas in various media while being responsive to the needs of the community within convenient hours and pleasant surroundings. The libraries hope to satisfy recreational and practical interest by use of both traditional and emerging technologies and up-to-date collections of all materials and media.
To serve the community as a center of reliable information through popular print and non-print collections, technology, and programming.
To support educational, civic, and cultural activities of groups and organizations.
To provide opportunity and encouragement for children, young people, and adults to educate themselves.
To meet identify those needs, community and to needs, cooperate to provide with other programs of organizations, service and agencies, technology and to meet those needs, and to cooperate with other organizations, agencies, and institutions which can provide programs or services to meet community needs.
To provide opportunity for recreation through use of literature, technology, music, films, and other art forms.
Orena Humphreys
Public Library
Address: 13535 TN-28
Whitwell, TN 37397
Phone: (423) 658-6134
Director: Cathy Black
Fax: (423) 658-7726
Additional Links:
Marion County, TN Government:
City of South Pittsburg:
City of Whitwell:
Marion County Chamber of Commerce:
Marion County Election Commission:
Marion County Schools:
TN State Library and Archives: